TS Academy

SSG-WSG Approved Training Organisation certified to conduct WSQ courses.


TS Academy is an SSG-WSG Approved Training Organisation certified to conduct WSQ courses.

Our training centre is a one-stop facility offering industry-leading training programmes that equip students with the practical skills and knowledge required to excel in residential management.

With a team of experienced trainers, we strive to deliver a personalized learning experience tailored to the unique needs of each student, enabling them to achieve their goals and advance their careers. TS Academy also maintains a strong network of industry partners, which helps us stay current with the latest industry trends and best practices.

Individual funding support of up to 70% or 90% is available for this course.

Companies may also be eligible for additional funding support such as SFEC, Absentee Payroll, Course Fee Grant, ETSS, In-House WSQ Accreditation, MCES, SFC, and WSS Absentee.


Initiatives to encourage knowledge development & learning in partnership with government stakeholders

Workplace Learning Program – "A Workforce Multiplier"

⁠Collaborated with the Institute for Adult Learning (IAL) and Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS)
Officially established Learning Enterprise Alliance program on 25 Feb 2021.
Conducted In-House Dormitory Management Training for our Operations Executives to develop them to grow into the job and excel on-the-job.

⁠Obtained Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) credentials for this framework – SSG Upskilling

(Jan 2023)

Our Courses

Our inaugural Service Excellence in Resident Management course are available, check them out below

Service Excellence in Residence Management

This integrated module enables learners to develop their knowledge and skills in various management areas, including receiving residents, daily residence management, in-processing and out-processing duties, mental wellness, handling non-standard requests, and techniques for managing difficult residents or clients. The course combines both classroom and practical training to provide a comprehensive learning experience.

Facility Management in Health, Safety and Environmental Control

This course aims to equip learners with the skills and knowledge in facility management focusing on health and environmental control in dormitories. It emphasizes applying hygiene and safety standards among general workers, maintenance teams, and contractors supporting dormitory operators. Combining classroom and practical training, the course enables learners to practice safe practices in managing personnel, execute standard daily checks, and report facility issues for service maintenance and processing

Response to Manage Incident in facilities with Safety, Resources, and Control

This module focuses on managing incidents with an emphasis on safety, resource allocation, and control, highlighting its close relationship with crisis management. It offers a uniquely customized approach tailored to dormitory needs, following a step-by-step sequence that increases in complexity. Starting with the fundamentals of identifying incident response processes (LU1), it progresses to handling minor and major incidents through structured procedures involving activation, information gathering, and integrated resource management (LU2). Finally, it advances to applying communication procedures with residents and managing their needs during an incident (LU3).